Fishing can be a great way to earn money, and when used with cooking can bring in some serious cash! It all really depends on your servers prices. Today I will be fishing up some Dragonfin Angelfish and making some Dragonfin fillets. On my server a 20 stack of Dragonfin Angelfish are worth about 90g and a 5 stack of Dragonfin fillets are worth about 30g.
The best places to fish for Dragonfin Angelfish.
The lake in Dragonblight is a great place to fish for Dragonfin Angelfish. Dragonblight would have to be my favorite place to fish. It's best to fish here early in the morning or late at night so you can have the lake all to yourself!
Dragonfin Angelfish have a 32% drop rate in this lake.
There's usually not any people fishing in these lakes. Which makes it a great alternative to Dragonblight during the day when alot of people are fishing.
Dragonfin Angelfish have an 18% drop rate in these lakes.
Borean Tundra
Borean Tundra has the lowest drop rate of Dragonfin Angelfish so I suggest only fishing for Dragonfin here if all of the other lakes are crowded.
Dragonfin Angelfish have a 5% drop rate in this lake.
Sea Turtle mount!
If you're lucky like me you might even fish up a Sea Turtle mount while making money!
According to Thottbot the Sea Turtle mount has a 0.2% drop rate in Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord.